About Martha Ressler

In my art quilts I use drawings, postage stamps, and found objects, along with fabrics and hand embroidery. They are reborn in a stitched story about human imprints on the earth, evidence of new and old secrets to be discovered or imagined.
An object discarded might merge with pages of timeworn books or sheet music, or swatches of rescued embroidery, unfinished quilt tops, or linens.

I hope you enjoy looking at my galleries. I have delved into several different themes over the years, and have grouped the work according to these themes.


Avignon France bridge that ends in the middle of the river depicted in a quilt
dyed fabric used in an art quilt to depict a crow crying on a branch
art quilt depicting the notre dame cathedral
chickadee quilt collage using paper with a poem on it
Martha R Pagoda and Blue Butterfly
The Gateway
Sur le Pont d'Avignon
Raven 6
Repairs to Notre Dame
Chickadee-dee II
Martha R Pagoda and Blue Butterfly
Featured image Weeds in a Winter Meadow
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I live on a five acre farm in rural Berks County, Pennsylvania. My husband and I are passionate about our pollinator-friendly gardens and our Airbnb. Our latest venture was to plant a forest on two of our acres!

My work can be found in several local galleries: Hamburg Art and Craft Gallery, Hamburg, PA, and most notably Art Plus Gallery in West Reading. I currently serve as Director of Art Plus Gallery.

I am a member of Cloth in Common, an international group of art quilters, a Juried Artist Member of Studio Art Quilt Associates, and a juried artist in the Reading-Berks Guild of Craftsmen. I was a painter before turning to art quilts.

My email address: info@martharessler.com

Sign up on our mailing list HERE.  Emails are about once a month and include news of my art and that of my husband Jay Ressler.

7 thoughts on “About Martha Ressler”

  1. Hello Martha. I just learned that we will exhibit together in a small-group show at some things looming. I looked you up and said, “I know her!” I think I met you in Pittsburgh last year. I look forward to exhibiting together.
    Marie Bergstedt

  2. Wow! I love your blog! It has introduced me to a whole new area of artistic practice that I knew nothing about. I am astounded at the beauty and diversity of the works you write about in your blog. The richness and personality in all of them shines through and I have to say that I wish more painters had the colour sense and design daring of quilters! Thank you so much for your labour of love.

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