In 2017 Karol Kusmaul, a fellow member of Studio Art Quilt Associates invited me to become a charter member of a new group she was starting. She wanted it to be international, to be small, and use it to challenge ourselves in the creation of our work. We currently have twelve members from seven countries: The United States, Canada, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Australia and Germany. We get two months to create an art quilt inspired by the challenge, which is issued by the members in turn. For the first round, which lasted about a year and a half, the overall theme was “Unusual subjects.” In order they were: Sound, Touch, Lyrics, Kitchen, Spring, Road, Night, Water, Time, Disunity and Masks. We each created an art quilt according to our own personal intrepretation of the prompt. Of course they varied widely, which was the great fun, seeing what each person came up with. We post interim blogs by members in turn on the website, as well as the final product for each prompt.
So far the topics have been: Identity, Reflection, and International.
I am sharing my pieces here, and invite you to visit our website and follow our blog to see the work of the other artists, and new work as it is posted.