Michael L Miller, Wyomissing art teacher and founder of Berks Community Murals, started off his walking tour of the murals of West Reading with addressing one the biggest fears of public murals. Many people have seen murals they don’t like– the colors might be garish, or the design primitive. He described the dreaded “Let’s put some paint brushes in the children’s hands.”
But his approach, learned from the Philly Mural Arts Program, is very different. He has been able to retain overall artistic direction, and yet involved many people, including young children, in the actual work.
He showed us an example in the “West Reading Is . . . .” mural on Cherry Street. Residents were invited to write down what they think of when they think about their community. The answers were many and varied: from skunks to skateboards. All of them were then represented by simple visual stencils. The overall design of the mural was created by Mr. Miller, but young painters were let loose to divide areas into geometric designs, and apply the stencils. The overall design is unified and artistic, while incorporating real meaning.
Another example is “Viral Van Gogh.” Wyomissing Area High Schools Public Art Workshop was trying to come up with a design for a mural on the wall of a pharmacy. One idea was based on Vincent Van Gogh’s painting, Starry Night. Another was based on greatly magnified viruses. After collective brainstorming, students came up with a design that has the look of Starry Night, but is inhabited by giant viruses that look like starbursts. More subtly in the design are chemical formulas and lab beakers.
During the course of the morning, he gave us all the details: how do they create these giant works of art? What materials do they use? How long do they last? What surfaces are good for murals?
Most are painted on a polyester interfacing material. The design is drawn out and the colors coded. Painting becomes like filling in a giant color by number piece. The individual pieces are then glued to the wall with a clear, acrylic gel glue. And no — they cannot be removed. “Just enjoy them while they are there,” Mr. Miller advised. The life of a mural is 15-20 years. He says, “Then it’s time to make another one!”
The paint used is an acrylic with UV protection manufactured by Nova Color. An additional UV protective acrylic varnish is added to the surface. But eventually direct sunlight will break down the vibrancy of the murals. Additional maintenance may have to be done if the wall becomes damaged in some other way.
As far as the wall surfaces go, rough surfaces can be smoothed. But the cloth panels can otherwise be adhered to brick, concrete block or concrete.. East facing walls are the best. For south facing walls, Mr. Miller recommends use of glass mosaic. This increases the cost, but is not affected by sun damage over time.
The murals in West Reading were mostly funded through the West Reading Elm Street Program, Dean Rohrbach, Manager. The murals are owned by the property owner, and could theoretically be painted over, but that has not happened, nor has graffiti damage.
Initial skeptics have in many cases become ardent supporters of the beautiful murals. Residents prize them. Visitors also find time to eat in one of the many fine restaurants in West Reading, or shop in local stores and art galleries. The murals have become a local treasure.