Speed dating for some smart teachers

On Art Teachers in-service day at GoggleWorks Center for the Arts this week, II taught two 50 minute workshops for Art Quilt fusing techniques.  I managed to explain what an Art Quilt is, demonstrate two techniques, and still give the participating teachers time to practice on their own, and come up with a small piece.
I worked hard on organizing my materials and what to say and do. I even practiced on my husband with a timer going.
I’m happy with how it all turned out.  See some pictures of my smarty arty teachers!

Art teacher showing her very artistic piece that she made in about 30 minutes, using heat activated fusing and fabrics.
Art teacher showing her very artistic piece that she made in about 30 minutes, using heat activated fusing and fabrics.

class 2
Two art teachers with their final products. It tickles me that people so often choose colors that they happen to be wearing. You like what you like!

class 3 class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7