My actual 10,000 steps

At a weekend workshop called “Charting your Artistic Genealogy” developed and led by Leisa Rich, I had an “A-ha” moment when Leisa suggested I should blog about my 10,000 steps a day. <head slap!> My blog is entitled Fabrics, found objects, and 10,000 steps a day. But  . . . I never talk about the […]

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I just got into a show called “Scapes.” What an evocative title.  Cityscapes, landscapes, seascapes, escapes, mindscapes, bodyscapes . .  but for me it was a no brainer. As I pound the pavement day after day, 10,000 steps worth, I catch a glimpse of an interesting railing, an awning, a roofline, an abstract shape, or

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Eastward Ho!

I have been working on this piece for a couple of months now. It is a companion to “Western Pennsylvania, Oh What a Relief.” Both are inspired by a colored relief map of PA I found on line. It is the normal altitude overlaid with geologic formations. Anyway, here it is.

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Jurors — How I really feel

More and more I think jurors are becoming the “drive by” variety. Get in, judge a show, and get back on the road before you speak to an actual artist. My opinion is that a juror should embrace the opportunity to interact with the artists, accept an invitation to speak if asked, and generally share

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Teaching a Plein Air Class

A friend asked me to teach a Plein Air Painting class over two years ago, and I agreed.  It got postponed several times, during which time my painting skills got rusty. Luckily I had enlisted the help of another artist to co-teach with me. The class finally took place last Sunday, and it turned out to

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Eastward Ho!

I’ve been working on this piece for two months straight. It is a companion to Western PA: Oh What a Relief. It is similarly inspired by a colored geologic relief map of Pennsylvania by the DCNR.  It represents elevation data overset with bedrock geology.  I’m calling it Eastward Ho! because it shows an area

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Feedback is Good

I had an interesting experience yesterday.  My “main” art organization, Pittsburgh Society of Artists, had a weekend event called ARTday.  The idea was to go back to our “hippie” origins in the the 1960’s and the very first show the organization had. It was in the parking lot of a bank on a Saturday, and

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I haven’t written in my blog for a couple of weeks. The reason is that I decided to challenge myself and make a large Contemporary Art Quilt more quickly than I ever have. One I made in 2010 called “Western Pennsylvania — Oh What a Relief” got into a show here in Pittsburgh and has received favorable

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