My actual 10,000 steps

At a weekend workshop called “Charting your Artistic Genealogy” developed and led by Leisa Rich...


I just got into a show called “Scapes.” What an evocative title.  Cityscapes, landscapes, seascapes...

Trinity Galley — my "home" gallery

Trinity Gallery opens today after their annual summer vacation.  Dan and Tina Gaser, the kind...

Eastward Ho!

I have been working on this piece for a couple of months now. It is...

Jurors — How I really feel

More and more I think jurors are becoming the “drive by” variety. Get in, judge...

Teaching a Plein Air Class

A friend asked me to teach a Plein Air Painting class over two years ago...

Eastward Ho!

I’ve been working on this piece for two months straight. It is a companion to...

Feedback is Good

I had an interesting experience yesterday.  My “main” art organization, Pittsburgh Society of Artists, had...


I haven’t written in my blog for a couple of weeks. The reason is that...