Layering with Misty Fuse

I use different kinds of fusible web for different purposes.  But for working with layers of bits of fabrics, papers, ribbons and other yarns, Misty Fuse ( is just the ticket.  It is so lightweight that you can build up several layers and still see them.
Here I am using bits of fabrics, maps, an old Farmers Almanac (I’m always looking out for interesting old paper items), some ribbon, lace and tissue paper.
I start with a generous piece of parchment paper (buy it in the baking aisle at the supermarket). Lay it down on your working surface.
On top goes a layer of Misty Fuse. Over that I arrange my first layer of paper, fabric, etc.
Then another layer of Misty Fuse, and more “stuff.”
After it looks the way you want it to, top with another piece of parchment paper, and press with a hot iron. Al of the layers will adhere together.
For this project, I cut up my layered work, added a few more touches, like wording, for my cards.
I also add some stitching.  The adhesive bond with paper is not very strong, and I like the look of the stitching anyway.

Misty Fuse packaging and  my first layer: parchment paper, Misty Fuse and some fabric, ribbon etc.
Misty Fuse packaging and my first layer: parchment paper, Misty Fuse and some fabric, ribbon etc.

cards 2
This is after three layers of papers, fabrics, ribbon, etc. It has also been pressed with a hot iron. Don’t forget to use another piece of parchment paper, or your iron will get all gunked up.

Cards 3
Here are a couple of my finished cards, with words added, and some stitching.

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