Laminating papers to cloth

While reading through my latest issue of Quilting Arts Magazine (August/ Sept 2015), I ran across an article by Cecile Whatman entitled “Storytelling with Texture.” Recognition dawned as I realized I could utilize some of her suggestions. I have been trying to figure out the best way to incorporate papers (some of them old and fragile) in my work.
She described a way to adhere, or laminate, papers to fabric.
So I gave it a try.
The first picture shows a length of plain unbleached muslin fabric, laid out on my work table (thoroughly covered with a drop cloth). On it I arranged torn papers (and a bit of fabric) just to make sure I had enough paper at hand to cover the area.
The second picture shows the gel medium I used. I poured some into a bowl, and added just a little bit of water, as it was already fairly thin.
Then I brushed it onto the muslin cloth with a foam brush, and re-arranged the papers on top, following with another layer of the gel medium.
Finally,  you can see the finished cloth, dried and pressed. It took several hours to dry. II added some stitching as well.
I’ll use this as background for my “old wood” series.
I’m excited about the possibilities!

Torn papers arranged on piece of plain unbleached muslin fabric.
Torn papers arranged on piece of plain unbleached muslin fabric.

Jar of Matte Medium
Jar of Matte Medium

I removed the papers, and applied the matte medium to the fabric with a foam brush.
I removed the papers, and applied the matte medium to the fabric with a foam brush.

Then I put the papers back on the fabric, and applied another coat of matte medium on top of the papers.  Then put it aside to let it dry.
Then I put the papers back on the fabric, and applied another coat of matte medium on top of the papers. Then put it aside to let it dry.

After drying for a few hours, this is the finished piece of fabric. I pressed it, and added some stitching.
After drying for a few hours, this is the finished piece of fabric. I pressed it, and added some stitching.

Detail of finished laminated cloth.
Detail of finished laminated cloth.

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