Gulf Coast Pastimes

I tried something different. Starting with an old map (with which I am well supplied!), I created a mono print using gelatin printing and stamping. Then I covered both sides with Misty Fuse to preserve and stabilize the paper, added some fabric pieces, made a quilt sandwich, and quilted the piece. Finally, I added some found objects. The piece is called “Gulf Coast Pastimes,” after some of the wording on the map of Mississippi and Louisiana that is still visible. Plus I was thinking about some of the Gulf Coast pastimes of my younger years while working on it!
I am inclined to try more of these, but would appreciate some feedback.

2 thoughts on “Gulf Coast Pastimes”

  1. Judith Karabelnik

    Hi Marty, did you go to SA? I did not see any Africa inspired pieces? Judi
    Sent from my iPad

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