Day 21 Cat on Book Page

cat book page lo res
The last of my screen printed cats. I’m almost sorry to see them go. This one was printed ona book page. Since I don’t necessarily want the viewer to become engrossed in trying to read the text, I turned the page upside down. (For one thing, it gets a little steamy!)
We are at day 20 of Leslie Saeta’s 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge. I recently realized that even though February has only 28 days, she does mean for us to continue for 30 days.  I’ll have to make two more pieces than I had been planning on!
Martha Ressler
Cat on Book Page
Art Quilt
7 x 5″

2 thoughts on “Day 21 Cat on Book Page”


      Good question. That one is a silk screen on a book page, with additional stitching.
      I was taking a printing class — seeing how I could integrate it into my stitching.

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