
I was pleased to open a package the other day from William Reker, Director of Global Exhibitions for SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates). It was the catalog for Upcycle! an exhibition of art quilts which is set to premier at Quilt Festival Houston in Houston, TX from October 31 through Nov. 3, 2019.

Here is the cover of the catalog.

The juror was Katie Pasquini Masopust, who noted in her statement how many different materials were used in creating the pieces.  She says, “Quality was an important factor as well.  Just because a piece is made from recycled materials doesn’t mean it should look like a pile of rubble.” Denim was a favorite material.

I was particularly drawn to a couple of the works. Made to Measure by Diane Melms was made from old sewing patterns. Since I spent a good part of my teen years sewing my own clothes, the memories came flooding back to me.

Also, Silke Cliatt’s Transition interested me. She used accumulated grocery bags, and layered that hand embroidered them.  All things that I have done.  I love to see how someone else uses similar methods and materials.

Here is my page:

And a better picture of my piece, Cast Away Gems:


My statement says: “I wanted to create a luscious blend of fabrics, papers, found objects, and plastics as a metaphor for my life.  Some items are partially hidden, waiting to be discovered.  The fabric alone has history: a discarded linen tablecloth, rusted, pieced, and heavily stitched.  The entire work forms a tapestry of how I reveal my own life history– slowly and reluctantly.”

This is a show that really speaks to me.  I’d love to see it in person. I can’t go to Houston this year, but in case any of you can, let me know what you think of the show.  It next travels to Quilt Festival Long Beach, in Long Beach, CA from July 9-11, 2020. And Bill Reker is continuing to sign up venues.  If you are interested in hosting the show, he can be reached at exhibitions@saqa.com