During Autumn and holiday season, I participate in more art fairs than other times of the year.
While it is gratifying to get feedback from those who come to look, my sales have not been great. My current remedy is to make more small collages that aren’t as labor intensive as my hand-sewn art quilts.
I want to keep the price point low at between $15 and $25. Here are some of them. Matted, the size for most is 5×7. Most are not framed, but would just fit into a 5×7 frame. Some are in inexpensive frames.
I really love to compose these. I have all of my fabrics and “stuff” surrounding me, and I get into a sort of creativity zone where time disappears. I ordered some old, torn Molas (reverse applique from Panama). I’m cutting them up, stitching over them, and using bits in the collages. I really like Molas!
There are also pages from an old dictionary I have, stamps, some hand tatted lace a friend gave me, and other odds and ends.
What do you think of these? Hm, I think I need more Cardinals!