More from International Quilt Festival

More of my favorite quilts from International Quilt Festival, Houston...

International Quilt Feast . . . I mean . . . Festival!

A visit to the International Quilt Festival turned up many surprises...

Barb Hangs Out the Wash

A visit to the American Visionary Art Museum inspires me...

Sharp Eyed Buyer Makes my Day

An alert art buyer delights me by remembering my piece for a year...

Speed dating for some smart teachers

I got some experience teaching a streamlined class...

Me? On the Cover?

Me? On the cover of SAQA Journal? Holy Cat and Mouse Game!...

Mary's Challenge

I was ready to curse Mary, but I think I'll thank her instead. She made...

An Exhibit for John

I could have said no. But I said yes to a unique exhibition proposal...

"Better than you, since 1902"

While making a routine commission quilt, I was visited by uncomfortable memories...

The Stitches that Bind Us

A long line of contacts made, plus follow up, lead to a favorable newspaper...