
Blue Abstract

This started with a photo I took using my phone while walking. What caught my eye was the composition – all of those blue angles and shapes in the old Heppenstall factory building in Lawrenceville (Pittsburgh). I got it printed on cloth with the intention of cutting it up and collaging it. But the composition

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A magical morning

You never know while logging 10,000 steps a day when you are going to see something truly breathtaking. This morning as I stepped outside my door for a walk to the grocery store was one of those mornings. It was 7:22 AM. The very air had taken on an orange-suffused glow.  There were long strips

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Crossing the Tracks

This piece will be in a show called Women’s Work at Fe Gallery, 4102 Butler Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15201. The opening is Friday, June 1 from 7-9 PM. The shows closes June 23. As I walk to work at McConway & Torley every day, I cross these railroad tracks as my entry to the plant.

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Glance at the Past

[slideshow]A second new piece I took to the shop at PCA today has a precedent. I made a piece in 2010 called “Singin’ the Blues.” It utilized a quirky polyester scarf (gift of a friend who challenged me to use it in a piece of art). The scarf featured pictures of old sheet music —

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