Evening in Steel Valley

Day 2 SAQA Artist of the Week

I started transitioning from painting to art quilts while living in Pittsburgh. I was greatly influenced by The Fiber Arts Guild of Pittsburgh and the Fiber Arts International which the Guild organizes. I took my first art quilt classes from Sandy Kephart and Tina Williams Brewer in 2008-2010, and I was immediately off and running. These are examples of my first work which centered on the industrial past and present of Pittsburgh and its neighborhoods. I was walking a lot during that time, and picking up found objects which I often sewed into the work.

When the Sky Rained Fire, 23 x 30,” 2011, in a private collection.

Forging Wheels, 15 x 18,” 2012, in a private collection

Evening in Steel Valley, 21 x 27,” 2013 Shown in My Corner of the World, SAQA.

When the Sky Rained Fire
When the Sky Rained Fire
Forging Wheels
Forging Wheels
Evening in Steel Valley
Evening in Steel Valley