Day 3, Apple Tart

Apple Tart gets a bit tipsy and takes a tumble...

Just Eat Real Food

Day 2 of the 30-for-30 challenge...

30 in 30

I joined the 30 day challenge to make 30 pieces of art...

My Corner of the World

I was excited to learn I will be a part of this exhibit with a...

2 Minute Artist Talks

I loved finding these two minute artists talks from Quilt National 2015...

A Superior Education

Learning about thread. Nope, I don't know enough!...

JAM at last

When I joined SAQA, Studio Art Quilt Associated in 2009, I began to hear about...

Industry becomes Art

A visit to Walk-In Art Center inspires me...

Bringing Everything Together

A quilt that bring everything together...

An Original Voice

A fresh wind blew into our quilting group when this Art Quilter arrived...